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Гігієнічна характеристика збалансованості мінерального складу харчових раціонів у дошкільних навчальних закладах м. Чернівці

  • Автори: Л.І. Власик, Н.Й. Андрійчук, О.М. Жуковський, Т.І. Грачова
  • УДК: 613.288
Завантажити прикріплення:

1, 2Л.І. Власик, доктор мед.наук, проф., 2Н.Й. Андрійчук, 1О.М Жуковський какндидат мед. наук, 1Т.І. Грачова кандидат мед.наук

РЕЗЮМЕ. Актуальність. Мінеральні речовини є незамінними компонентами раціону харчування дітей будь-якого віку. Вони входять до складу біологічних рідин та тканин організму, беруть участь у регуляції обмінних процесів і підтриманні гомеостазу.
Мета дослідження. Метою нашого дослідження була гігієнічна оцінка мінерального складу харчових раціонів дітей дошкільного віку м. Чернівці. Результати дослідження. Вивчено та проаналізовано якісний та кількісний склад добових раціонів харчування дітей дошкільного віку, які відвідують дитячі навчальні заклади м. Чернівці, з наступною гігієнічною оцінкою збалансованості їхнього мінерального складу.
Висновки: Проведений аналіз добових раціонів дітей дошкільного віку 9-ти ДНЗ м. Чернівці засвідчив, що харчування було різноманітним, дотримувалася кратність харчування, інтервали між прийомами їжі, послідовність прийому страв та розподіл енергетичної цінності раціону за прийомами їжі. Має місце якісний і кількісний дефіцит споживання основних продуктів, які є джерелами кальцію. Вміст кальцію в раціонах усіх ДНЗ нижче рекомендованої величини надходження, а співвідношення Са:Р:Мg у жодному ДНЗ не відповідає оптимальному. Найбільший вміст кальцію в харчових раціонах спостерігається влітку, найнижчий — взимку.
Ключові слова: добові раціони харчування дітей, збалансованість мінерального складу, вміст кальцію, дошкільні навчальні заклади м. Чернівці.

Actuality. Minerals are irreplaceable components of food ratio of children of any age. They are the components of biological liquids of human organism, they take part in regulation of metabolic processes and maintenance of homeostasis. The deficit of micronutrients negatively effects physical development of children, furthers breaking of metabolic processes, decreases organism’s resistance to unfavorable factors of the environment, and durable time they are not clinically manifested, while provoking formation of chronic somatic disorders [4, 5]. Main way of minerals income is alimentar way, that is why the presence of sufficient number of minerals in food ration is indispensable condition of rational nutrition of children [7, 8].

According to intensive processes of growth and development of child organism and health effect of harmful factors of the environment, sufficient income of calcium is particularly important. It is known, that calcium deficit in children food ration causes breaking of mineralization of bone tissue and teeth formation, increasing of strontium imbibitions up to 30-70% and its accumulation in organism [4, 6].

Aim of the research. The aim of the research is hygienic assessment of mineral composition of food ration of preschoolers of Chernivtsi.

Materials and methods of the research. The investigation of the state of organized nutrition of children at preschool institutions of Chernivtsi was passed using the calculating method by the way of data copy over 10 days from menu-apportionment according to season, then determination of average products quantity per one child per day and comparison with recommended food composition [1].

Determination of mineral content was carried out with the help of our specially developed program based on inquiry tables of Skyrihin I.M. [2] with the following assessment of their accordance to «Standards of physiological needs of population of Ukraine in main nutrients and energy» (1999) [3].

Results of the research and discussion. The nutrition of children in preschool institutions of Chernivtsi is organized according to group principle: practically healthy children of a certain group get similar by its volume and chemical content food corresponding to the average physiological requirements of their organisms in the main nutrients and energy.

Great amount of wheat bread (by 45%) and absence of rye bread was observed in daily children’s diets. Besides that, it was found excelling of amount grains, beans, macaroni (by 37,8%) and confectionery (by 13,3%) in children’s food ration. The amount of milk and cultured milk foods, which are the main sources of minerals, was also less than that of recommended (18,8%). Cultured milk curds and cheese were also less than that of recommended ones (33,3 and 40% respectively). The amount of meat and meat products in preschool institutions was 30% less than it is recommended. Fish and eggs in diets were less as well (24,4 and 40% less respectively).

The analysis of results shows that the amount of calcium in daily children’s diets in all preschool institutions was 15,0-32,6% less than it is recommended (800 mg/day) and on the average it was 629,75± 13,33 mg/day (pict. 1).

Pict. 1. Calcium content (mg) in food ration of children of preschool institutions of Chernivtsi

Magnesium content in food ration was almost twice higher than the standard. Phosphorus and iron content was a little higher than it is recommended (by 12,7-27,5% and 7-22% respectively). Ratio of Са:Р:Мg in daily children’s diets of any preschool institutions did not confirm to optimal. Аnalysis of season dynamics of calcium content (mg) in food ration of preschool institutions of Chernivtsi shoves, that it is the highest in summer (the average 699,79±13,22 mg/day) in rations of all preschool institutions. In autumn it gradually decreases (648,48±17,52 mg/day) up to the smallest indices in winter (550,39±16,05 mg/day). In spring calcium content slightly increases (620,39±19,09 mg/day), in comparison with winter period (рiсt. 2).

Pict. 2. Аnalysis of season dynamics of calcium content (mg) in food ration of children preschool institutions of Chernivtsi

In our opinion the main reasons of calcium deficiency in children’s food ration are the following: •technologic alteration of stuff, which leads to loss of great part of microelements or to its transformation into inactive form (calcium of grains assimilates badly);
• imbalance of food ration by content of main nutritients (excess of animal fats leads to formation of calcium soap);
• increase of consumption of food products, which are high-calorie and poor-micronutrients (white bread, macaroni and confectionery), against the background of limited usage of milk and cheese products.


1. The food of daily children’s diets in preschool institutions was variable, the order and intervals between meals were kept, as well as the sequence of taking dishes and distribution of energy value.

2. Calcium content in children’s food ration of preschool institutions is lower than that of the recommended norm.

3. The highest calcium content in a daily diet was observed in summer, the lowest content — in winter.

4. Ratio of Са:Р:Мg in daily children’s diets of any preschool institutions did not confirm to optimal.



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7. IOM. Dietary Reference Intakes: Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D and Fluoride. Washington DC: National Academy Press. — 1997. — 448 p.

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