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Study of migration of modern pesticides amicarbazone, bicyclopyrone and pydiflumethofen from soil to groundwater (results of experimental studies)

  • Authors: Yu.V. Martiianova, О.М. Korshun, A.O. Lipavska, M.M. Korshun
  • UDC: 613:632.95:614.77:556.388
  • DOI: 10.33273/2663-4570-2024-96-1-19-36
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Y. Martiianova1, O. Korshun2, A. Lipavska2, M. Korshun1

1National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Institute of Hygiene and Ecology of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets, Kyiv, Ukraine


ABSTRACT. The expansion of the range and volume of application of plant protection products in agriculture increases the risk of contamination of soil, and subsequently of underground and surface water sources, especially with highly persistent pesticides in the soil.
Аim. Establishing and comparative assessment of migration characteristics of new pesticides — representatives of different chemical classes, from soil to groundwater when modelling different initial concentrations and irrigation regimes.
Materials and Мethods. In a laboratory experiment, the migration of the investigated substances in the soil – ground water system was studied with the help of filtration columns designed by the Academician E.H. Honcharuk. Soil Standard Model no 1 (SSM no 1) and leached chernozem were used as arable soil layers. Three hydraulic regimes were simulated: annual, three-month, or monthly precipitation rates were supplied to the column for 30 days. The initial concentrations of amicarbazone, bicyclopyrone, and pydiflumetofen corresponded to both one maximum consumption rate (m.c.r.) and 0.5, 0.2 and 5 m.c.r. respectively. Quantitative determination of the studied substances in the filtrate was carried out by the method of high-performance liquid chromatography.
The results. It was established that with higher initial concentrations of all three substances in the topsoil and greater hydraulic load on the filtration column in the case of both herbicides, the concentrations of compounds in the filtrate were higher. At the same time, with the same arable soil layer (SSM no 1) and hydraulic load (maximum) and almost the same initial concentration in the soil (0.05 and 0.06 mg/kg), bicyclopyrone appeared in the filtrate much earlier and in in larger quantities, its maximum concentration in the filtrate was reached much faster, it was 17 times higher. It took much more time to detect pydiflumetofen than bicyclopyrone. The migration levels of bicyclopyrone were almost independent of the type of arable soil layer, while pydiflumetofen in leached chernozem retained longer and migrated more slowly than in SSM no 1.
Conclusions. Both general regularities and significant differences in the migration of the studied substances to the ground water depending on the soil profile were revealed. It has been proven that, compared to bicyclopyrone, pydiflumetofen is less mobile, appears in the filtrate much later and migrates from SSM no 1 more slowly. Compared to bicyclopyrone, amicarbazone is more mobile, migrates from leached chernozem longer and more intensively. The highest potential danger of groundwater contamination due to vertical migration from chernozem, the most common soil type in Ukraine, is inherent to amicarbazone, the lowest — to pydiflumetofen.
Keywords: plant protection products, herbicide, fungicide, soil, groundwater, migration, pollution, threshold limit value.



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Стаття надійшла до редакції 4 жовтня 2023 р.
The article was received by the editors on October 4, 2023.

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