Prospects for the use of chemical oxidizers for phosphine neutralization and degassing in maritime cargo fumigation

  • Authors: Ye.P. Bielobrov, D.V. Bolshoy, O.V. Ranhaiev, E.G. Pykhteyeva, V.V. Andrieiev
  • UDC: 613.632/68:614
  • DOI: 10.33273/2663-4570-2024-96-1-7-18
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Y. Bielobrov1, D. Bolshoi1, O. Ranhaiev2, O. Pykhtieieva1, V. Andrieiev3

1State Enterprise Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Odesa, Ukraine
2Scallops-Ukraine Limited Liability Company, Chornomorsk, Ukraine
3UKRTRANSERVIS Limited Liability Company, Chornomorsk, Ukraine


ABSTRACT. The transportation of grains, legumes and other regulated articles requires mandatory fumigation. Toxicological safety of fumigation team and crewmembers of the sea merchant fleet is a mandatory condition for fumigation. Hazardous waste is generated on board the ship during the work of the fumigation team. The development of a technique for phosphine residues degassing in containers, fumi-sleeves, etc. on board of a ship is an important scientific and applied task.
Аim of the research. Study the possibility of application of well-known oxidizers (hydrogen peroxide, chloramine, ozone, potassium permanganate) for neutralizing and degassing of phosphine and phosphine-containing poison fumigants in marine cargo fumigation, conduct an analysis of redox reactions of degassers with phosphine and assess the toxicity of chemical reaction products.
Materials and Мethods. The analysis of phosphine content was carried out by the method of stationary gas chromatography on the Tsvet-160 chromatograph, as well as by the method of electrochemical analysis using the Pac III – PH3, Accuro (Germany) and ToxyPro (USA) portable devices. An analytical review of the literature was performed, laboratory-experimental and field studies for degassing of phosphine and poisonous fumigants during marine fumigation of grain and fodder cargoes were conducted on ships of the bulk fleet and in the seaports of Odesa, Chornomorsk, and Yuzhne.
The results. It is shown that, contrary to existing methods, water and its soap solutions do not have destructive and neutralizing properties in relation to phosphine and phosphine-containing preparations. Their use for phosphine degassing is impractical and dangerous.
Conclusions. The application of aqueous solutions of typical oxidizers (chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and potassium permanganate) for degassing used containers from phosphine-containing preparations and fumigants on board ships can be recommended for use in national and international practice of maritime fumigation of cargo.
Keywords: maritime fumigation, poison fumigants, phosphine, chemical oxidizers, degassing of containers from fumigants, simultaneous extinguishing and degassing of fumi-sleeves from phosphine fumigants



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Стаття надійшла до редакції 22 листопада 2023 р.
The article was received by the editors on November 22, 2023.